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The Ultimate Guide to How to Make Your Wife Horny

how to make your wife horny

Are you just a newly married couple or have you been married for a long time? Does the question “how to make my wife horny” linger in your heart again and again? Whichever category you fall into, there was only a reason you were joined with your wife. This reason is sexual intimacy - to find sexual satisfaction in your wife.

The other side of the story is that sexual intimacy is only possible when you make your wife horny. It does not matter if you are just marrying them or you have been together for long, sometimes, the whole act can be tiring or you may be reluctant to initiate to avoid rejection.

This article is the ultimate guide you need on how to make your wife horny. Follow closely and you will be an expert in this game.

Signs Your Wife Is Bored With Your Relationship

signs your wife is bored with your relationship

There are several signs that can show that your wife is bored with your relationship. Many men are not able to read the obvious signs on the wall. Rather, they wait till their relationship experiences friction and start asking what may be wrong.

Some body languages and activities are sufficient to know if your wife is bored. They include;

1. Excuses

The moment your wife starts making different excuses about why she does not want to be with you, you can begin to suspect that a lot is wrong. There is always an excuse about how tired they are, how they had a long day, and tomorrow will be another long one. It is the most obvious sign you need to know she is bored.

2. Not willing to come home

If your partner is unwilling to come home, that means they are not getting pleasure from your company anymore. As such, you can read the obvious signs that they are bored in the relationship.

3. Spending more time alone

If your partner wants to be alone more than being with you, it is a sign that they want to be in their space and are tired of your relationship. You can make excuses for this at the start but when it becomes consistent, you have to start and go again.

4. Use of toys

Use of toys does not always mean that you wife is bored. However, it can be an important sign when they are secretive about the use of these toys.

5. Not engaging you in sexual talks

Do they show disinterest or get cranky when you want to talk with them? What is their reaction when you want to engage them in sexual talks? If they are not engaging you, you can be assured that they are bored in the relationship.

Why Your Wife Doesn’t Have Sex With You Anymore

why your wife doesn't have sex with you

Is your wife showing any of the disinteresting signs above? Are you worried what the reasons could be? This section helps with top reasons your wife may not want to have sex with you. You can choose to be an understanding husband or learn how to get wife horny.

1. Exhaustion

Exhaustion is the major reason a wife might not want to have sex with you. After a long day at work, they just want to get home to relax for the next day. This reason is common if your partner has just gotten a new job. Exhaustion easily creeps in.

2. Unattractiveness

After spending sufficient time with you, you can become unattractive to your wife. Sometimes, the fault is yours as you may not pay attention to yourself like when you were younger. Nevertheless, they may lose interest because of your unattractiveness.

3. Side effect of a drug

A drug can have adverse effects on your wife and make them lose interest in drugs. You can remedy this by seeking medical attention.

3. Fatigue and disinterest

You may not be as good as you used to be. As such, they can develop disinterest in having sexual intimacy with you. Since they will not reach orgasm, they may prefer to not engage in the activities.

4. Mental health

Thanks to medical effort, mental health has been proven to be a major cause of many human problems. The same applies to engaging sex. Your wife may not be in a good state with their mental health and as a result, they may not want to have sex with you.

5. Age and lack of fitness

Age always has its toll on people. Of course, it is accompanied by lack of fitness and the desire for physical activities can be lacking. The situation is the same for sex too.

6. Alcohol (and weed)

The satisfactory feeling that comes with alcohol and weed may make one lose desire for sexual intimacy. Sometimes, it can make one crave it more but there are more cases of lack of its desire.


25 Ways to Make Your Wife Horny and Boost Your Wife’s Sexual Drive again

Here is the real deal about this content. It contains 25 different ways to make your wife horny. Master them and you will be proud of the frequency of sexual schedules.

1. Know what they love

An important question a husband must ask is, what does my wife love? This makes it easy to impress them when the need arises. There are five love languages - physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, good gifts, and acts of service.

As a husband, you must know what your wife loves. Make it available and you will ignite that spark for you.

2. Begin with the Head

Do you want to get your wife horny? Then, start with the head. You can begin with rubbing the head or playing with their hair. Stroke your fingers around their ears and nose to mess with them. All of these are obvious signs that you want them and it will boost their sexual drive again.

3. Say good words

Words of affirmation are not the same as good words. Good words here refer to how beautiful or sexy they are. Everyone would agree that words can set them in the mood and horny before you meet them.

Good words can include talking dirty. You can sext them while away too. What about when you see them? Do not hold back telling them what you want to do to them in bed.

4. Improve your relationship

Sometimes, you have to fill in some gaps to make your wife horny again. If you two have not had a happy relationship in the past few times together, that should be your focus. How can I improve this relationship to make my woman love me again?

There are several ways to ensure this. Knowing what they love will mean a lot but it may not be all. Look for more intentional activities like constant communication, showing some level of care and support for them, sharing their interest with them, and providing emotional companionship. Once the relationship is in its right state, it is easy to build on it to have sexual intimacy with your wife.

5. Do activities together

You can do many activities together to inspire love and promote romance. For example, taking your bath together or seeing a romantic movie together will make them horny again. Let them see how much you are invested in them and feel loved.

Cooking for them is another way to make your wife horny. You can tell them how you want to eat them while they are eating the food? Sounds lovely, right?

6. Create time for her

What is love or sexual intimacy when you do not make enough time for your wife? You cannot only talk to them when you want to have sex. That feels like you are objectifying them and have no regard for their emotions.

Why not make time for her? You can leave work early on some days to get your wife a flower. You can be extra and plan an alone moment with them in the house. All of this makes her feel like a newly wedded wife and of course, one who has not made love before.

7. Be more romantic with actions

As the husband, you will agree that some activities stimulate butterflies in your belly more than other activities. As a matter of fact, you always want to have sex after such romantic actions. The case is not different for the woman.

Be more romantic with your actions. This begins with giving good thoughts, good words, good gifts, and good actions. What about a surprising gift, an out of the blues movie ticket, planned vacation? The simple actions can mean a lot too.

What about you text them during the day to check on them? “Hey, Babe. I just want to know how your day is going. Do not worry, I will be waiting for you at home to make you smile.”

8. Initiate physical contact

Physical contact is critical as it helps to transmit impulses through the body. The human body loves physical touch as it triggers the sexual hormone. So, why not initiate physical contact?

What are the things you can do? You can hug them more and let them feel that you have a boner. Put your hands around their neck and kiss them on the forehead. They may not be receptive at first but stay consistent with your activities.

9. Heighten anticipation and tension

You can increase anticipation and tension with deliberate steps. This would mean that you are not only speaking good words but you are being intentional. How about you send them food at work and add a note saying, “will you be wearing my favorite lingerie tonight?”

Just make the environment lovey dovey. Once there is enough love in the air, you have successfully increased sexual tension.

10. Be willing to explore new sexual adventures

You must be ready to try new sexual adventures or positions. It is impossible to do the same thing the same way and expect a different result. Hence, be ready and willing to explore new sexual adventures.

11. Prioritize your common interest

Try to have common grounds with your wife. This can include their common interest so that you can have enough things to talk about. Since you are the one trying to get your wife horny, you must be willing to know what they prefer.

12. Make a suitable environment

You would agree that some settings are more suitable for making love than others. Here is an example of such, “imagine a room filled with scented candles and petals.” It is not only about thoughtfulness but also the celebratory atmosphere. It is suitable to make love.

13. Give her a lot of attention

Women are attention seeking beings. You cannot starve them of attention and expect a good response from them. The better approach is to give them a lot of attention to make them feel wanted.

You may not get the desired result at once but be consistent. Victory is sure.

14. See a sex therapist

See a sex therapist as an individual or as a couple to know what you can do differently. You can always have to compromise because of your wife. Remember, the goal is to make them horny.

15. Explore their new interest

Ask your partners if they have new interests. Know new things about them and their kinkest interests. Human beings are never too old to have new desires. Get to know the things you may have missed and catch up with your partner.

16. Plan a vacation

What about you going to a lonely place where it is just you two alone? That is a perfect spot to make love. Allow them to choose their favorite place.

17. Always remember, little things matter

Little things go a long way. They include holding their hands when going out, saying “I love you” when setting for work, allowing them to wear your winter coat, getting food for them and lots more.

18. Go out on dates

What about you going on romantic dates with your wife? Find out their favorite place and plan to go there with them. Definitely, the day can end with some hot sex.

19. Gifts and surprises do a lot

You should give them gifts on their special days like birthdays, wedding anniversary, and child naming ceremonies. However, you should make plans for surprises too. You can just order a gift for them out of the blues.

20. Give foreplay

Foreplay is as important as the sexual act itself. You do not have to skip this important step. Take it slow with them and give enough room for foreplay.

Many people do not know that foreplay is the best way to make a wife horny. You can ask them what they want you to do to them in the foreplay. Pay attention to this until you can see how horny they have become.

21. Show more kindness

How about a little act of kindness to make them feel loved? You cannot tell them how much you love them and let it just remain at that level. Show more kindness to let them see how much you are still vested in them.

It is only human for them to want to repay with what you want. You do not have to give hint that the goal is to make them horny. The end will always justify the means.

22. Give them food in bed

In addition to showing more kindness to them, you can be consistent with being kind by giving them food in bed. Let them feel loved, even after you could have “gotten” the sex. You can also prepare a shower for them. Get them their phones and show some more acts of love.

23. Say more about sex

Sexual talks will go a long way to set things in motion. However, you can talk about the sex moment you just had. Ask about the things you can do differently in your next sexual moment. That way, you can make them anticipate the next sexual moment with them.

Remember, talking dirty will go a long way too.

24. Cuddle and express affection

Cuddling and expressing affection after sex goes can extend beyond giving them food in bed, preparing them for a shower, and saying more about the sexual moment. You can cuddle and say new things to them. Tell them how much you have missed them and how you would want more moments of such.

25. Always be a gentleman

You can never be wrong as a gentleman. Even if you have not expressed this positive side of you before now, you can begin today. Your wife would love the gentleman in their partner and always look forward to the expressions of love. A gentleman can always make their wife horny without much ado.


Now that your wife is horny, it is time to get into the real business. You have a duty to make every single sexual moment count. Pay attention to what they want and go all out to satisfy them. You can be assured that they will want another time.

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